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    We visualise flows in complex terrain

    With our detailed three-dimensional simulations, we can analyse the wind conditions for any wind turbine - especially in complex terrain.

    Pfadlinien eines Rotors
Strömungssimulation - Produkticon

A virtual wind tunnel

Buildings, forests or natural elevations generate turbulence. Wind conditions, such as flow inclination, vertical wind profile or turbulence, are a particular challenge in high complex terrain.

Just like in a virtual wind tunnel, we visualise the flows. To do this, we create a 3D flow model using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). We look at the wake flows of large individual structures such as buildings, industrial plants or steep slopes and show the direct effects on neighbouring wind turbines.

Ihre Vorteile unserer Simulationen


We calculate exact loads before they occur. In doing so, we take into account all obstacles under constantly changing conditions.


We set new standards. Our CFD simulations (Computational Fluid Dynamics) precisely model prevailing air flows.


We create sustainable solutions. Thanks to our specialist know-how from countless site analyses, we set new standards with our calculations.

Determination of the oblique flow in complex terrain

Bestimmung der Schräganströmung im komplexen Gelände

Overflow of industrial buildings

Überströmung von Industriegebäuden

Contact us

Gesche Erdmann
Gesche Erdmann
Phone Number: +49(0)40-53 30 36 80-0
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